Which elements of the beta release most need improvement?

You can generally take as long as you like to look at suspects. On average, and based on your experience with the alpha, how long would you like to examine each suspect for before moving to the next one?

Given that generated suspects will likely be more generic than handcrafted suspects, where would you strike the balance between more replayability and more handcrafted suspects?

Which in-game metric(s) are you most interested in seeing?

Which in-game phone app(s) are you most interested in using off-duty?

Which recent major news thread(s) would you most like to see incorporated into Need to Know?

Which elements of the alpha release most need improvement?

What did you most enjoy about the alpha?

Which parts of Need to Know interest you the most?

What kinds of off-duty ‘mission’ are you most interesting in playing?

Which forms of evidence interest you the most?

Which types of mission are you most interested in playing?

Once again, we had some great responses from backers who selected ‘Other’ in Backer Poll 2. Some ideas were ”Seemingly unimportant missions (ie tutorial) that come back later”, ”bonus missions with previously gotten intelligence” and ”Lots of poking around in ('innocent') peoples business”. There were also at least 4 comments about severely limiting timed missions, and we're definitely taking note.
Which types of suspects/profiles do you most want to see in the game?

In Poll 1, the ‘Other’ option provided us with some great ideas, and too many to list them all here! Suggestions included “International government agencies (i.e. competitors to DoL)”, “Just regular people with some veeery shady secrets?”, “Foreign nationals/spies”, and the ever-popular choice: “Everyone”. Thanks for your responses - we'll have them in mind as we continue writing!